Director liability

SCOR #sensitivedata: settlement on eve of the trials that were to be held in July 2021 simultaneously in Paris (vs. Covéa on criminal grounds for alleged concealment #breachofconfidence) and in London (vs. Barclays for alleged serious breach of #tradesecret).

Note: some times before, on Nov. 10, 2020 , the Commercial court of Paris had granted 20M€ damages to SCOR (#director #liability). However, the court had considered that the facts in question had occurred a few weeks before the entry info force of the new provisions relating to #tradesecrets (art L151-1 et seq. of the French Commercial code). Therefore, it can be assumed that a few weeks later the damages granted would have been higher! 

#governance #program #riskmanagementconsulting #sensitivedata

Source :, Joanne Faulkner (June 14, 2021, 10 :51 AM BST)